2010. június 13., vasárnap

My journey has started

Sorry for the delay, but in the last few days I was very busy...
The main event in my last four days was the visit in my ortho's office. She told me, that she can handle my teeht without surgery but the final result won't be absolutly perfect, but will be much better then the actual one - she will straighten my teeth and move my lower jaw forward. I was explained that if I decide to go in braces my ortho will recquire a strict cooperation from my part during the whole treatment. It sounded a bit funny for me, because as the braces will be glued on my teeth I won't have any other option just to wear them, so there seemed no sense of talking about cooperation. We signed the contract, and fixed the next appointment for Monday, when she will remove the plaques from my teeth, and I will recive spacers around my top molars.

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